Welcome to Woven & Friends!

Empowering Women, Building a Strong Community

Our Vision at Woven & Friends is to create a society where every woman is empowered, confident, and has access to the resources and support needed to achieve her goals.

We envision a community of women who uplift and inspire each other, where equality and opportunities are abundant. Through our efforts, we strive to break down barriers, foster personal growth, and build a strong network that empowers women to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Our ultimate vision is to create a world where every woman realizes her full potential and contributes to positive change in her community and beyond..

Upcoming Events & Initiatives

  • Brunchella: Brunch with a Purpose

    Saturday, May 18. 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM.

    Multi-generational panel, food, and all proceeds support future community outreach campaigns.

  • Keeping It Cute: Women's Outreach

    Date & Location: TBD

    Join us as we prepare personal care and toiletry items for individuals facing difficult times. Your donations help to bring a sense of confidence & security.

  • Keeping It Sharp: Men's Outreach

    Date & Location: TBD

    Join us as we prepare personal care and toiletry items for individuals facing difficult times. Your donations help to bring a sense of confidence & security

Bestie’s Mentoring

Our Besties program pairs women with experienced mentors who provide guidance, support, and inspiration. Through one-on-one mentoring relationships, we believe in empowering women through the power of connection and personal guidance.

Bridging the Gap

We assistance the immediate needs of individuals and families facing difficult circumstances. We provide non-perishable food, toiletries, and support through initiatives like our Back to School Drive, Thanksgiving Boxes, and Giving Tree for Christmas

Keeping It Cute

At Keeping it Cute, our mission is to make a difference in underserved communities by providing essential toiletries and personal care hygiene projects. We understand that access to basic items can have a significant impact on an individual's confidence and sense of dignity.

“Let the life you live, live beyond your own.”

— Mrs. Bertha Mae Howell, Inspiration for Woven


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(919) 805-7075